When we say The President of India, it should inpire awe, respect, pride, patriotism - sadly this lady inspires nothing but a feeling of shame that we have a person (I shall not insult myself by calling her a lady anymore) who has allegedly conspired protected her brother who has a murder charge hanging on his head, someone who swindled funds from a trust fund set up for poor students, someone who claims to talk to godmen long dead and gone, someone who has not cleared debts to the public exchequer, someone who is not aware of the history of the country of which she is the President, someone who has been reported guilty of financial mismanagement of her family bank and financial irregularities in repayment of loans by the Cooperative sugar mills run by the Patil family.... Nope this is not the person I want to represent my country at the international level.
Till June 2007, noone even knew who Pratibha Pail is. She was the last choice for th post of the President....
well.... she's smarter than the old horse that tried to run against her....
... and now she'll be laughing all the way to the bank!!
dats politics 101 for you sweets!!
we'r not talking about politics in politics...that is the whole kisssa kursi ka.
my poit is tht we in any case have a puppet prime minster, n now we also have a puppet president.
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players,
They have their exits and entrances,
And one man/woman in his/her time plays many parts...
so she's a president now....!!
well entirely depneds on who's pulling the strings
the big picture...v stand to lose as a nation..
I don't know about other things. However, I know we always bitch about past and that is why we are so fucked up in present and It will go on like this. I'm sure people have said the same thing before but we don't care and as a result we have people like her, who represents us on domestic as well as on international level. If we want to change this tradition, we need to change ourselves and make our voice be heard. Have some courage, do something and stop bitching.
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