Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious!!!!!

The longest word in the English languauge. Sadly, the exact origin of the word may never be pinned down, so this will be, for the time being at least, an incomplete report. But it is a fact that the word considerably predates the 1964 Disney movie Mary Poppins in which it was prominently featured.

In the West End and Broadway musical, everyone runs out of conversations, and Mary and the children go to Mrs. Corry's shop, where you can buy them. Jane and Michael pick out some letters and spell a few words. Bert and Mrs. Corry use the letters to make up some words (whose existence Jane doubts). Mary says that you could use some letters more than one time and creates the longest word of all in this song.

In the movie the song describes how using the word is a miraculous way to talk one’s self out of difficult situations and even a way to change one’s mood. It occurs in the film’s animated sequence where Mary Poppins is harangued by reporters after winning a horse race and responds to a reporter’s claim that there are not words to describe her feelings of the moment, and her life long dream of being in theater. Mary disagrees with that claim and begins the song about one word which she can use to describe her feelings. Following the successes of the film and musical play, the word has been used as an adjective signifying rather redundant superlatives, such as “the most absolutely stunningly fantastic” of experiences.

The word was never used in the original P. L. Travers books. The common theory is that the word was created by Richard and Robert Sherman for use in the song of the same name in Mary Poppins. This is far from the case. A lawsuit that was filed after the movie came out by Life Music, Inc., against Wonderland Music, the publisher of the Mary Poppins song. It was a copyright infringement suit brought by Barney Young and Gloria Parker, who had written a song in 1949 entitled "Supercalafajaistickespeealadojus" and shown it to Disney in 1951. They asked for twelve million dollars in damages. The suit was decided in the Shermans' favor because, among other reasons, affidavits were produced from two New Yorkers, Stanley Eichenbaum and Clara Colclaster, who claimed that "variants of the word were known to and used by them many years prior to 1949".

There was also some vague rumour at some point that the word was used to refer to Irish whores. Apparently, some article of Maxim (No I don’t read it, this part I got off the net) had stated that the word was actually invented by turn-of-the-century Scottish coal miners and was used to request “the works” from prostitutes by men too shy to recite specific acts. I think this is a load of bullshit. Who believes Maxim – for satisfying etymological queries anyway?? (Maybe to satisfy other urges…ahem ahem)

Anyway, it is also a fact that a 13 year old in US of A (where else) won $25,000 by correctly texting "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" in just 15 seconds...with no spelling errors.

The word is mostly used by children (and by adults like me who attempt to bring out the child within them sometimes) to means something superbly fantastic, excellent, amazing. Roots of the word have been defined, as Richard Lederer writes in his book Crazy English as follows: super- “above,” cali- “beauty,” fragilistic- “delicate,” expiali- “to atone,” and docious- “educable,” with the sum of these parts signifying roughly “Atoning for educatability through delicate beauty."

Saturday, May 26, 2007


I am a self-confessed chocolate freak. I neeeeeeeed to have some form of chocolate every single day - yes I know that is precisely why I am putting on wieght but, 'Ki kara paaji, control nahi honda' :p

I shall further stress on the point that it is a proven fact that chocolate has a number of beneficial effects on one's health.

1) Nutritional Value
The nutritional value of a 100 gm bar of chocolate:-

Calories Protein Carbohydrate Fat
Milk chocolate 588 8.7 54.5 37.6

Dark chocolate 544 5.6 52.5 35.2
Cocoa Powder 452 20.4 35.0 2.56

Cocoa contains phosphate and other minerals that work against the tendency to produce oral bacteria. Moreover, chocolates contain potassium, magnesium and several vitamins including B1, B2, D, and E.

2) Dil ka Doctor:
New research indicates that dark chocolate, like red wine, contains a substantial proportion of flavinoids - possibly good for the heart. A 1.5 ounce chocolate bar contains about the same amount of total phenolic compounds as a 5-ounce serving of red wine, which has been associated with a reduced risk for coronary heart disease.

3) My Immunity Strongest:
Further it is a well known fact that chocolate stimulates the secretion of endorphins, producing a pleasurable sensation similar to a 'runner's high', the high a jogger feels after a long stretch of running. These pleasurable experiences stimulate the body to produce a powerful antibody called secretory immuno globulin A, which strengthens the immune system.

4) Mood Upar Lifter:
Eating chocolate results in higher antioxidants, which cuts cholesterol. It is a powerful fighter of fatigue and not only boosts your spirit, but also raises your energy levels as well. It is also an anti-depressant. Chocolate contains a neurotransmitter, serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant, while its other properties also have a stimulating effect. Chocolate reduces the formation of internal blood clots, further reducing the chances of a coronary blockage. Certain heart patients are prescribed aspirin, in order to prevent the formation of blood clots. Cocoa complements this property of aspirin.

5) Love-life
And chocolate is also an aphrodisiac......the rest shall be left unsaid!!!!!!

I shall not feel guilty no more when I eat chcOlates - after all I have to take care of my health yaa

So bring on all the Cadbury Perks, gooey chocolate cakes, choclate avalance, hot chocolate, chocolate fudge, choclate pudding.....CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


  • Under the Indian Sarais Act, 1867, it is a punishable offence for ‘inn-keepers’ not to offer free drinking water to passer-by. Recently, a Delhi five-star hotel was taken to court by the municipal corporation on the grounds that the hotel was not doing so
  • The oldest law in the country has been in operation for over a century and half. The one sentence 1836 Bengal District Act empowers the Bengal government to create as many zillas as it wants. The Act still exists
  • Only about 40 per cent of our laws are in regular use. Independent India has till now found no conceivable use for the rest
  • The Indian Telegraph Act, which was passed in 1885, when the concept of television obviously didn’t exist, has been invoked five times in the past three years by Doordarshan over telecast rights of cricket matches played in India. This very nearly derailed the telecast of the 1996 World cup
  • The Police Act, 1861, still requires a policeman to take off his cap or helmet before a member of royalty. A ridiculous provision that nobody has thought of removing so far.
    The Indian Contract Act and the Specific Relief Act, 1963 have overlapping areas, leaving enough room for confusion. A person sacked from a job may decide to sue his employer under the Indian Contract Act, while the employer may take refuge under the Specific Relief Act
  • Section 108 of the Customs Act and Section 171A of the Sea Customs Act are identical, offering a wide choice to both trigger-happy enforcement people and offenders looking for a loophole to slip through
  • The Smugglers and Foreign Exchange Manipulators Act, 1976, a variant of COFEPOSA, whose sole objective is to forfeit illegally acquired properties of smugglers or forex manipulators and applies only to those convicted under the Sea Customs Act, 1878 and Customs Act, 1962
  • One can prove that the economic reforms are actually against the Indian Constitution. Article 39 of the Directive Principles opposes polices that raise disparities in income and wealth. Therefore reforms, or for that matter, any policy statement, can be stayed on the ground that it’s widening the guilty between the rich and the poor
  • Under section 14 of the Hindu Marriage Act, a couple cannot get a divorce within one year of the marriage, even if one of the parties is found to be insane or a warranted criminal. Even in case of divorce by mutual consent, Section 13B allows a lock-in period of one year before the grant of a divorce
  • Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code says whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse "against the order of nature" can be imprisoned for life and fined. Which means homosexuals and lesbians are outlawed. And oral sex is illegal. All this, by laying down a behavior code, violates the privacy of citizens
  • Only rape is jailable offence, not sexual molestation
  • The Lunacy Act takes a harmless epileptic to be the same as a certified lunatic
  • Poor, homeless person are often harassed as the Vagrancy Act allows anyone who’s "loitering with intent" to be booked. (How do you prove that you had no "intent" as you loitered?)
  • Thanks to a piece of ridiculous legislation called the Prevention of Seditious Meeting Act, 1911, an independent India can still disallow a prisoner from wearing a khadi Gandhi Cap.
    The Police (Incitement to Disaffection) Act, 1920, has been used just twice. Once against Lokmanya Tilak. The second time was in 1981-against the author of a pamphlet that commended the police for forming an association to demand better rights. (Striking textile mill workers had rioted and the cops had stayed way)
  • The Indian Stamp Act or the General Court Fees Act, of which every state has individual versions
  • Each state also has its own civil procedure code apart from the Central Code
  • The provisions of the Indian Electricity Act, 1910, Electricity (Supply Act), 1948, and the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, prevent Central intervention at the state level, while also discouraging foreign/ private investment
  • The Hire-Purchase Act of 1972, never metamorphosed into an Act. For a Bill to become an Act, it must be passed by both Houses of Parliament, but this was passed by only one House. Due to lack of interest in the Bill, it just lapsed. This has resulted in a piquant situation, buyers of vehicles on hire-purchase/bank loans can’t be prosecuted by the financier not the vehicle repossessed even if they default on repayment, because there’s no law for it. In such cases, the only recourse open to the financier is to send thugs to the defaulter. However, a wily defaulter can run rings round the lender by lodging dacoity cases against the lender, and claiming that he had a large amount of money lying in the car when it was seized
  • The State of Rajasthan has always opposed provisions of the Narcotics, Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, as many of its communities ritually smoke marijuana at wedding ceremonies
  • No one have a foreign coin collection work over #500
  • Even a visiting foreigner can’t mail a cheque abroad because the law doesn’t allow "sending currency instruments out of the country"
  • An exporter can’t sell a consignment at a discount after it has reached the buyer. He must bring it back and declare it to the RBI afresh, an impossibility in the case of consignments of perishables or goods with low shelf life. Naturally, if you are an Agro exporter, you take big loss and shut up, or you break the law
  • The Rent Control Act, which not only discourages private investment in real estate by disallowing market fixation of rent, it forbids landlords from evicting or taking any step against defaulting tenants

Monday, May 21, 2007


The title says it all - I guess. I don't like being sick.I don't liek being ill. I don't like getting others all worried about me. I wanna be my own usual self hogging away like crazy (I swear I eat more than half the males around).


Oh that feels good to have let it all out :)


Hypochondriacs like being ill.

Yes that is me just babbling away like I tend to do sometimes :P

Friday, May 18, 2007

This is one issue I feel very strongly about.I don't understand why parents think such an important issue should be hidden from the child. Why is it bad? Its not a wrong or a shameful thing at all. It is very essential fo the child to be taught the difference betwee a 'good' touch and a 'bad' touch from a very young age. If someone touches a child in a manner which makes the child uncomfortable, the child should be allowed to speak up and not told to shut up. It could and it has caused untold damage and distresss to the same children when they grow up. Usually, it is the servant, the driver, some bhaiya in the colony, the watchman or even some trusted uncle - who lures the child with chocolates to play a game. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, lock these people away and blast them off to space. They do not deserve to be on earth.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

That is me at my pouty best - no not mopey best but my pouty best :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

OOOPS I'm still new to this -= so it got published before I could complete it.

Part II:
  • To get rid of all the assholes in the world who don't know how to drive, who drink and drive and then run over people and then think they can get out of the mess by paying off various persons;
  • To make all these idiots resposnible for the families of persons whom they ran over for the rest of their f**** lives;
  • To make those idiots so proud of their Daddyji's bags of gold that they are nothing in front of me, cuz I earn my own money and then spend it;
  • To make such idiots earn their own money and realise the value of money and hard work;
  • To sleep all day;
  • To be pampered in the parlour for an entire day;
  • To have two sundays a week;
  • To ensure a smile on everyone's faces;
  • To make all those self-appointed guardians of religion and society sit for a three hour 200 mark writtene xam and see how much they actually know about their religion and only if you get more tahn 90% will they be allowed to continue as certified self-appointed guardians;
  • To have a genie who will fulfil all my wishes;

This reminds me of that song from Yes Boss -

" Chande taare tod laooo

Saari duniya par main chaooo


I Want -

  • To be able to sing like a nightingale (Ok maybe that's wanting a little too much);
  • To be able to to dance without a care in the world;
  • To play my guitar again;
  • To be a geniuis;
  • To win a Nobel Prize;
  • To win the Oscar;
  • To win a Grammy award;
  • To be a star;
  • To own a bright red Mercedes with black leather bucket seats (ya I'l probable swelter in the Delhi heat);
  • To argue a case and create a landmark judgment which studets down the ages will have to have have to study (like Keshavanada Bharti and the Mardia judgments);
  • To do my Doctorate and have a Doctor before my name;
  • To end all the tears in the worl;
  • To win a Booker Prize;
  • To tell Matthew Perry "Dude you were sooooo cute in the first couple of seasons - what happned to you after that?"
  • To make sure all the *&^%$#@#$ b**** get all their bitchiness returned to them with interest;
  • To make up with some friends whom I lost out on vuz of my own stupidness and ego;
  • To find some of my old friends;
  • To read the latest Harry Potter soon to be released NOW;
  • To write my own book (for which I get the Book prize and it also be a huge commercial success and I get oodles of money in royalty);
  • To have a flat tummy;
  • To not worry about putting on in the worng places;
  • To be able to be confident and look peolpe in their eyes and say "You know shit";
  • To get rid of all those

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hello People :)

Hello People....i'v climbed on to the blog bandwagon too like everyone else around me.

I'v been thinking of maintaining a blog for quite a while now - but till now it was only planning, no implementation.But today, I managed to execute and implement the plan.

I feel different now - lotsa changes have taken place in my life over the past couple of months.I'm learning to adjust and give in at tmes and sometimes just not give in and stick to being an adamant stubborn bitch. Well, yes that's what I am - sometimes.

I am funny, smart, intelligent,beautiful,loving,caring,love to read and and sleep and I am a firm believer and militant advocate of having my own space and giving others their own space as well. I try not intrude on others space, but sometimes when I do end up intruding and trespassing, people your free to tell me off (your allowed to be slightly rude - though not very rude too or I will retreat into my shell). I am very possessive about my books and my momos as well :P (yes your allowed to laugh but it is a fact). I am also possessive about my pillow. I hurt easy, but I have learnt to hide my tears behind the smile on my face - a mask through which very very few persons can look beyond and see the tears on my face. Oh and yes I do love learning new things - be it cooking or the procedure int he various tribunals or be it making soft toys or how to play the guitar

Okay I guess, for my first blog post - not bad at all. Arjun, Runna, MMDD, Johnnie - I'm getting there.i'm not verterans like you guys at maintaining a blog and neither am I very blog savvy - but I SHALL LEARN